May 14, 2012

The movie that changed my mind regarding Tom Cruise

I'd always believed behind Mr. Cruise handsomeness and charisma, there wasn't so much more. As a dramatic actor, he often gets short (Valkyria, Vanilla Sky, The last samurai), but when a character has a resemblance with himself -hansome, successful, ladies man-, he gives the most believable performances (Top Gun, Cocktail, Jerry Maguire, Risky Business). As he has always loved showing his looks, we were pleasently surprised the only time he left aside his good figure, even for some minutes, in Tropic Thunder.

From my point of view, Cruise has never given the acting leap, in which we have seen some of the most appealing Hollywood Stars becoming authentic actors: Brad Pitt in 12 monkeys and The fight club, Angelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted. Leo DiCaprio in The Departed; to give some examples.

It is true, Tom remains a blockbuster hit, and he's kind of limited while performing certain characters... But not when he's an action hero with a personal touch. In 1996, he owned Mission Imposible franchise by eliminating the once main characther and by proving being a secret agent and chasing killers could be his thing (eventhough at the beginning some series fans such as me, weren't so happy by the desappearing of the leading role). Afterwards, they came two action-filled sequels, but it wasn't until I watched the fourth film Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocole that my eyes were wide open and I understood Tom's chemestry with the camera.

Tom Cruise is the last old-Hollywood-style star. But beyond being a new Humphre Bogart in the acting scene, he reminds me of the fervor provoked b Marilyn Monroe every time she showed herself acting, dancing or singing. Her success had more to do with her magnetism and sex appeal while her talents weren't exactly the same of Bette Davis.

In the same manner, Tom Cruise is a guy ready to give more of himself and to prove he can do anything (ego included, of course). He even enjoys paparazzi and shines with his own light even when posing against beauties such as Nicole Kidman or Katie Holmes. Despite our criticism regarding his acting skills, people admire him for what they see and the characters he has portrayed.

Maybe is because of that delusions of grandeur that for Mission Imposible 4, Tom was a producer, actor and did some of the most impressive stunts I've ever seen!, from the highest building today, Dubai's Burj Khalifa, while -of course- looking so good. The scenes doesn't look green screen, and that's because they don't have one!!!

The fourth Mission:Impossible delivery is an authentic blockbuster exuding Tom Cruise in every way possible. But with the high quality of a Hollywood production in all its extension. With J.J. Abrams producing, Brad Bird directing, Jeremy Renner as a counterpart and the most contemporary architecture scenarios, Tome Cruise simple diving (both figurately and litterally) inside one of the movies with best executed visual effects. If you don't believe me, please watch this:

If you get the blu-ray, please do not miss the behind the scenes. It may be the best I've seen.
So from now on, my mision, and I due accept it, is to understand that even if Tom Cruise doesn't bring the drama, he must certainly compensate you with adrenaline. And yes, MI-4 has been the film which made me change my mind regarding my opinion of him for once and forever.

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