November 16, 2011

Los Vázquez sounds

                                   Nothing to do with movies but, Don't you love the talent here?

Don't you love her voice and the way she pronounces  "almost" as "almou"?


Anonymous said...

loooooooooooove them!!

Alex said...

I dare you to sing a song in spanish and have the balls to make a video and post it on the web...

Anonymous said...

Fuck you >.>
Your just a hater, hating on that little girl that (obviously has talent)
#people like you should die :)
It will make this world so much better

Greg Jones said...

speaking of balls, it sounds like she has a mouth full of marbles. granted kid has talent, not debating that, but her voice is very immature and she needs a vocal coach. She has great potential and when she gets older her voice will defiantly mature but for now, she needs some assistance.

Alejandra Mondaca / Séptimo Sentido said...

Hi guys, Thanks for your comments. Take it easy! Every opinion can be (heard) read here.

Of course we all have different opinions and taste but I'm glad you spend some time to write here.

Is just I don't believe anyone should die for his or her opinion.

On the other hand, Greg: You're so right. She's so young (10) and she needs some couching, but I like the feeling she communicates trough her performance and the way she can sing an adult song with such a style!

Unknown said...

i love it she sings amazing

Unknown said...

i love how she sings she will become famous so fast

Anonymous said...

You mean "she needs couching" like on a couch or a bed? I agree.

Anonymous said...

They really suck, I don't hate them they're not that important. But for real, if my "daddy" were a producer i would be able to make a video and sound like whitney houston, an believe me, i cant sing, i work in postproduction and is super easy to make a grat voice, you can ask the glee cast an of course this little girl, that when she tried to sing in live, was awful, she sings with the nose but worst than danna paola and thats too much to say. She will never even in a million years, get the voice of connie talbot, and when they said that adele owe them her fame was like!!! WTF R U insane!!!!!, you fucking rich kids....

jasmin said...

you guys are the best.i love you guys keep it on.

Anonymous said...

They're not good at all. They just have good video equipment.