January 05, 2012

HAPPY 2012

Happy new year, Everybody!

I just came back from a vacation trip and I'm catching on with my job and all those paused-things-to-do that I left last December.

2011 showed me two things: First, I have to work harder to get what I want. Not just work. Second, Iife is easy... but we like to complicate it. So, let's go back to basics. 

The pursuit of Happiness is definitely hard work... and you have to work everyday to live happy. Do not expect others to change if you are not trying it. 

Of course, I don't want to lecture -today or tomorrow-, I just want to invite you to be happy with the imperfections of life. With the sadness and sorrow among it. Enjoy things you like. 

On the other hand, but still talking about happy things: 2011 was the year I designed some architecture projects I loved, and I decided to start this blog, a project I was procrastinating for a long time. And it has been wonderful, not only because I love movies, but because others read what I say about them! Can you believe it?

So, expect more movies, more critics and more happiness!

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