I have encountered opinions about the super-expected movie The Avengers. On one hand it's entretaining with well-executed action secuences; on the other hand, the script doesn't bring anything new to the superheroes world of cinema. Which, by the way, has enphasized the depth on main characters and antagonist. The best example being Christopher Nolan's Batman in his two frist deliveries.
Beside the ups and downs, The Avengers is definetly the summer blockbuster to watch. Culmination of the titanic job of reuniting a good team of heroes who, already gave us some solo satisfactions, and now, work together.
Beside the ups and downs, The Avengers is definetly the summer blockbuster to watch. Culmination of the titanic job of reuniting a good team of heroes who, already gave us some solo satisfactions, and now, work together.
Including a brief participation of Hawkeye on Thor, all heroes in this movie have appeared in the puzzle that shaped this film, leaving traces of what was to come: It all started with The incredible Hulk (2008) with a Tony Stark cameo on the end, Iron Man (2008) Nick Fury's inclusion, Iron Man 2 -introducing Black Widow- (2010), Thor (2011) and Captain America (2011).
The thread among all of them, is a combination of Nick Fury (Samuel Jackson) and Agente Coulson, brilliantly performed by Clark Gregg, who are looking to create a new team to confront bigger problems.
What I didn't like:
1. Eventhough Loki, Thor brother and villian on this film, is kind of interesting and has some of the most memorable lines on the movie, he looks wooden and reminded me of old cartoons and is far for comparison with Heath Leadger's joker.
2. With so much offer on invasions and superheroes on the last 20 years of cinema, global threats become repatitive and disaster scenes on New York, well... aren't precisely new.
3. Sorry guys but, action sequences on vehicles on movement with green screen, still suck! I strongly believe while James Cameron is not on board of a project, people should still use some old fashion effects.
4. Edward Norton didn't portrayed Hulk in this one. The cirle could have been perfect if 100% of the actors weren the same. Here the actor and the production company doesn't seem to agree if he abandoned the project or they cut him out.
5. The movie lacks great music. Even Transformers has a bettter score.
What I really liked:
1. Robert Downey Jr. and his appealing portrait of Tony Stark save the movie. Thanks to his cinism and black humor our most-egocentric heroe steals some shots.
2. Some drama situations become comedy thanks to the spins on the script.
3. Scarlett Johanson finally gives shape and depth to Black Widow. Unlike her intervention on Iron Man 2, here her story and leif-motif come alive. And yes she can look sexy and still kick some butts by the same time. Go Girl! Along here, there are other female portraying georgeous and intelligent women: Coby Smulders y Gwyneth Paltrow.
4. Mark Ruffalo plays Hulk on this one. Yes, is an irony that while I complain Ed Norton didn't reprise Dr. Banner, I exalt the fact that Ruffalo took his place. But is just that finally, someone achieves the challenge of people understanding his "green issue", while taking his rightful place among the rest of the heroes, without the necessity of having his own precuel.
5. Agente Coulson. The true hero behind the Avengers configuration.
In conclusion: It is not the best supeheroes movie I have seen - I strongly prefer Watchmen and The Dark Knight-, but it's a good ensamble of actors, action and special effects. But mostly, it's one of this films one should see first-hand to create a personal opinion. Pure entertainment.
The thread among all of them, is a combination of Nick Fury (Samuel Jackson) and Agente Coulson, brilliantly performed by Clark Gregg, who are looking to create a new team to confront bigger problems.
What I didn't like:
1. Eventhough Loki, Thor brother and villian on this film, is kind of interesting and has some of the most memorable lines on the movie, he looks wooden and reminded me of old cartoons and is far for comparison with Heath Leadger's joker.
2. With so much offer on invasions and superheroes on the last 20 years of cinema, global threats become repatitive and disaster scenes on New York, well... aren't precisely new.
3. Sorry guys but, action sequences on vehicles on movement with green screen, still suck! I strongly believe while James Cameron is not on board of a project, people should still use some old fashion effects.
4. Edward Norton didn't portrayed Hulk in this one. The cirle could have been perfect if 100% of the actors weren the same. Here the actor and the production company doesn't seem to agree if he abandoned the project or they cut him out.
5. The movie lacks great music. Even Transformers has a bettter score.
What I really liked:
1. Robert Downey Jr. and his appealing portrait of Tony Stark save the movie. Thanks to his cinism and black humor our most-egocentric heroe steals some shots.
2. Some drama situations become comedy thanks to the spins on the script.
3. Scarlett Johanson finally gives shape and depth to Black Widow. Unlike her intervention on Iron Man 2, here her story and leif-motif come alive. And yes she can look sexy and still kick some butts by the same time. Go Girl! Along here, there are other female portraying georgeous and intelligent women: Coby Smulders y Gwyneth Paltrow.
4. Mark Ruffalo plays Hulk on this one. Yes, is an irony that while I complain Ed Norton didn't reprise Dr. Banner, I exalt the fact that Ruffalo took his place. But is just that finally, someone achieves the challenge of people understanding his "green issue", while taking his rightful place among the rest of the heroes, without the necessity of having his own precuel.
5. Agente Coulson. The true hero behind the Avengers configuration.
In conclusion: It is not the best supeheroes movie I have seen - I strongly prefer Watchmen and The Dark Knight-, but it's a good ensamble of actors, action and special effects. But mostly, it's one of this films one should see first-hand to create a personal opinion. Pure entertainment.
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