September 20, 2011


Best mexican documentary, arrived on 2010 to show us the worst face of mexican judicial system. 

Reality strikes our faces when we notice justice in Mexico is even more damaged that we tought: mexican prisons are filled with -at least- 25% inocent people paying sentences while true criminals remain free. Nowadays mexican justice seems to turn favorable if you ar rich but if you are not...

The process to incarcerate someone in Mexico is so gray and stupid that is easy to fall for inertia in the derrisory investigations performed by public ministery and the cheap maneuvers by police members just to earn a commission. 

Winner of multiple international awards, Presumed Guilty is a film to watch not only because of its artistic acomplishments or the charisma of the leading character, but because of the sense of urgency of justice that is needed in the country: Because is time for mexicans to unfold their eyes and start modifying the system of Justice as soon as possible.


If you waht to support this cause enter the Presumed Guilty Official Site

1 comment:

mulder x... said...

outrageous, great documentary